Saturday, September 10, 2011


At our next meeting we will put the mat together and start looking at strategy for each of the Missions.
This first site has PDF files of how the Robot Game works. If you know the rules, and how the game is supposed to work, it will help us design a more effective strategy. Look at the ROBOT GAME PDF and the SCORING SHEET PDF (this one tells how many points each Mission is worth).
GAME UPDATES  game updates are VERY important. They clarify rules and set-up procedures. There have been 11 or 12 so far. We need to check these each Monday.

The next site you should check out is the PROJECT PAGE. This page is a guidebook on how to create and complete the Food Factor Project.

These sites are different videos from youtube:
THIS  one is a walk through of the mat and what this team thinks will be the missions. (before the actual mission information was released)
THIS  is a different Team setting up their field and doing a walk-through.

THIS video has some strategies to make your robot go in a straight line (if you are having problems with that)

Thease are just some random teams doing practice runs of last year's Robot Game:

Remember: We need ideas for a Team Name, and Logo........
See you all Monday at 3:30 ~ let's plan on staying until 5.

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